Savronik designs the Fire Detection systems under the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in accordance with the “NFPA 502 Standard for Road and Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access Highways” standards. A fire in ITS projects can be devastating claiming many lives and causing heavy losses of property. Therefore, under the fire detection system, different types of sensors such as Linear Heat Detection System, Optical Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors, and alarm buttons are installed in combination. In line with the data received from these sensors, acoustic and visual warnings are given in the control centre and predetermined fire scenarios are implemented.
The scenarios are created after the analysis and simulation of the possible situations, which can occur under the project. Based on the results of the simulation, ITS control equipment and Savronik’s SCADA software are programmed. Thus, by foreseeing the possible fire situations, solutions suitable for instantaneous situations are provided. In addition, Savronik’s SCADA software allows controlling the fire area by operators and experts due to the unusual situations.
In case of fire, Savronik aims to reduce the losses of lives and property by conducting required engineering calculations.
In case of accident, the operation of the ventilation system is provided and the tunnel is ventilated longitudinally and transversely to move the smoke out of the tunnel at regular intervals before it hovers over the ground.
In case of fire, the first thing to do is to evacuate the people from the fire area. At this point, it is important to make people to reach the passages to the tubes or tunnel exit before they suffocate in smoke. The other function of the fire scenario is to locate the fire exactly, to sop the traffic via the traffic signs and help of other instruments and to define the fire evacuation way as soon as the fire is detected.