Privacy PolicyPRIVACY

As SAVRONİK Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., its subsidiaries and SAVRONİK Group Companies (“SAVRONİK”), the protection of privacy regarding private life, ensuring and protecting information security, and respect for ethical values, especially the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, are among our primary principles. As SAVRONİK, we attach great importance to the processing and preservation of personal data of all persons related to SAVRONİK, including those who benefit from our products and services, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With the understanding of this responsibility, the following explanations regarding the protection of your personal data are presented for your information in order to fulfill the obligation of disclosure arising from the law, as “Data Controller” as defined in the KVKK.

Kişisel Verilerin Toplanması, İşlenmesi ve İşleme Amacı

Although your personal data may vary depending on the products, services provided by SAVRONİK and the commercial activities of our company; may be collected and processed in physical and electronic media by automatic or non-automatic methods.

Your collected personal data, our business units (which carry out the necessary work to benefit you from the products and services offered by SAVRONİK), the products and services offered by us are customized according to usage habits and needs, recommended to you to ensure the legal and commercial security of our company and people who have a business relationship with our company. (Administrative operations for communication carried out by our company, ensuring the physical security and supervision of SAVRONİK’s locations, customer evaluation/complaint management processes, reputation investigation processes, event management, legal compliance process, audit, financial affairs, etc.), Commercial and business operations of our company, for the purposes of determining and implementing strategies, ensuring the execution of our company’s HR policies, personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK are collected physically or digitally in the following categories.

  • Identity information (name, surname, etc.)
  • Professional information
  • Contact information (phone number, address, e-mail address)
  • Other information (other necessary personal data in the information form)

Your personal data is provided to SAVRONİK Group companies, subsidiaries and affiliates, SAVRONİK officials, shareholders, service providers, suppliers, business partners, project partners, public institutions, to the extent necessary and limited to fulfilling the above-mentioned purposes and fulfilling legal obligations.

In addition, it can be shared with lawyers, notaries, auditors, consultants and other relevant official institutions and organizations when necessary for protection of our rights and interests and to ensure our legal obligations for the fulfillment of our company policies, internal audit, risk management, reporting and the above purposes.

Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data Collection

Personal data is obtained in all kinds of verbal, written or electronic media, in line with the above-mentioned purposes, with the aim of presenting the products and services subject to SAVRONİK’s activities within the determined legal framework, and in this context, for SAVRONİK to fulfill its contractual and legal responsibilities completely and accurately. Personal data collected for this legal reason can be used, recorded, stored, processed and transferred for the purposes specified on this page, within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK.

Retention Period of Personal Data

Your personal data will be stored for the retention periods specified in the relevant legal regulations or for the period required by the above-mentioned processing purposes, and then they will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized in accordance with the KVKK.

Security of Personal Data

In order not to expose your personal data to unauthorized access, loss or damage in the environments where it is processed and stored, it is not used outside of the stated purpose and scope, it is processed and stored by encrypting when necessary in a way that only authorized persons can access, and by taking all other necessary information security measures.

Rights According to Article 11 of the KVKK and Our Contact Information

Pursuant to Article 11 of the KVKK, you have the right to obtain information about your personal data by applying to SAVRONİK. You can access to Information Application Form here.