Savronik was established in 1986, and since then, while meeting the product and system needs of Turkey’s Defence establishment with its original solutions using domestic resources at maximum capacity, Savronik has assumed the mission of transferring the expertise and capabilities acquired from those projects and the original ideas for more strategic programs into more secure and challenging solutions and fields.

To this end, with its 38-year experience in the defence industry sector, Savronik has continued to answer the needs of the defence industry sector through its original systems and products in accordance with its aforementioned foundation mission.

On the principle that it acquires more capability in each project demanding its expertise and experience, Savronik has wanted to bid for the projects and programs requiring its known capabilities, and worked for integrated projects and programs as a team together with other entities in the sector and with domestic research and development infrastructures.

With this approach, Savronik has been providing secure Data Link Systems, Fire Control Systems, Power Distribution and Control Systems, Avionics Systems, Simulator Systems and System Integration Solutions for customer needs for air, land and marine platforms.

Savronik transferred its technological experience and abilities of the defence industry to the transportation sector and information systems over time, and expanded its product and service portfolio to include railways, highways, energy and so on. As Savronik provides unit products, it also offers various software, electronic hardware, system integration and services for solutions.

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With its corporate culture and flexible organizational structure, Savronik has been easily able to integrate into different ecosystems. Savronik’s working structure has the capability to design, manufacture, develop, test complex systems and set up the supply chain supporting these structures.

Savronik has ISO 9001:2015 and AS-9100 Quality Management System Certificate, which emphasizes its Quality Assurance System achieved with the system approach to its solutions, focus on design processes, production and after-sales support with configuration control components and  a quality assurance system understanding valuing the customer inputs.


Our mission is to produce advanced technological products in the field of Defense, Transportation, Information and Simulation, to provide qualified engineering services, to serve our country by offering different solutions to our customers’ needs, and thus contributing to the country’s industrial independence and to maintain its national,  long-lived and reliable institutional identity by continuing to transfer its acquired expertise into military and civil areas nationwide.


As a national R&D house, our vision is to become a worldwide-recognized brand as a pioneering Turkish firm developing domestic and national technologies by providing high reliable and advanced technological R&D and engineering solutions to electronic devices and system requirements.

Quality Policy

​Savronik, as a company meeting its personnel and customers’ needs on time and in full and implementing the Quality Management System requirements, accepts;

Offering cost-effective state-of-the-art solutions by using its experience and expertise,

Designing and producing systems compliant with the high reliable standards of the defence, transportation and Information sectors,

Forming a working environment open to changes together with all its personnel,

Increasing its customers’ satisfaction, providing and maintaining customer satisfaction,

Taking all precautions to prevent and shortcomings in the products to be delivered to customers,

Providing information security considering the legal bases, customer needs and company activities

Reducing company emissions and carbon footprint by taking measures to prevent environmental damages and pollution,

Providing health and safety measures for all its personnel,

Continuously improving and developing while considering the legal and other conditions.

Safety Policy

The Safety Policy is valid for all projects conforming to present laws, regulations, related industry safety processes/standards and contract requirements.  The purpose of this policy is to ensure Savronik’s developing, producing, delivering and maintaining products to be used in accordance with their usage functions, the user guides and regulations in a safe way. Therefore, Savronik guarantees that:

Necessary safety measures are taken, implemented and that maintenance is provided,

A continuous process improvement is on through constant process monitoring,

Regular training is provided to enhance the stakeholders’ awareness and responsibility,

Access to safety information/records is provided for customers and end-users.

Savronik Group of Companies and Subsidiaries GROUP COMPANIES


Savronik Grup Elektronik Bilgisayar ve İletişim Sistemleri Mühendislik Taahhüt Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi was established in 2010 in order to bring together group companies operations and to provide coordination among each other.


Savronik Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., which was established  in 1986, produces products requiring  advanced technology and reliability for  the defence industry, railway transport systems and intelligent transport systems.


Savronik Sistem India, which was established in India in 2012, realizes intelligent highways and tunnel control systems, and produces  projects on railway transport systems as well.


Savron Smart Media is a new generation of outdoor media sales and marketing company bringing technology and creativity outdoors, and thus contributing to brand recognition.


STM is a local engineering company diversifying its technology-based activities into the needs of public and private sectors, while prioritizing Turkiye’s defence needs, and producing innovative solutions on a broad range of fields such as civil aviation, agriculture, health and energy


Bilgi Teknolojileri Hızlı Balık Ödülleri - 2008
Tübitak Teknoloji Büyük Ödülü - 2009
Çocuklar da Duysun Projesi
ESO Ürün Geliştirme Ödülü - 1991
Türk Patent Enstitüsü


Raylı Ulaştırma Sistemleri ve Sanayicileri Derneği
İstanbul Sanayi Odası
Savunma ve Havacılık Sanayii İmalatçılar Derneği
Eskişehir Havacılık Kümelenmesi
Türkiye Teknoloji Geliştirme Vakfı
Eskişehir Sanayi Odası
Eskişehir Ticaret Odası
Türkiye Kalite Derneği
İstanbul Ticaret Odası
Ankara Ticaret Odası
Türk Elektronik Sanayicileri Derneği