Design CapabilitiesDESIGN

We provide electronic, hardware and software support for the high-level projects of the leading defence industry companies in  Turkey.  With its 36-year experience, Savronik has designed hundreds of different configurations of electronic systems for land, marine and air platforms. Our designs are  produced according to the “DO-254 Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware” in order to create maximum safe designs with flight failure rate 10-9 .

Considering the environmental conditions and EMI-EMC compliance, our full-time electronic circuit design engineers design the electronic circuit boards for our projects.  Savronik puts emphasis on fast new design creations through making use of the previously designed circuit board library.  By duplicating the boards with similar capabilities for different projects and using the tried and tested and calibrated boards, Savronik adheres to its principle of increasing the reliability of the units on which they are installed.

In accordance with present and possible future needs, various communication protocols are used on our designed boards such as RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, CAN BUS, Ethernet, MIL-STD-1553, and ARINC429.  The embedded software and application software development processes are carried out according to the users’ requirements and software improvement works.


Savronik has developed Augmented Virtual Reality Simulators consisting of customizable integrated software/virtual environment and motion platforms or basic hardware/simulator platforms to provide training exercises for organizations such as military, law enforcement and railways.

Our Savronik-designed unique, scalable, cloud-based information architecture simulator systems let distant platforms to be managed and join in the joint simulation through a single center.  In the scope of the architecture, the system provides a database to store and analyze the training evaluation data, together with required network design and security..

The benefits of training and exercises with our simulators:

The benefits of training and exercises with our simulators:

  • Training without the constraints of any weather conditions
  • Training 24/7
  • Low cost training in the long run
  • Reduced lead time for training preparation by reusing the scenarios
  • Less to no training accidents
  • Less administrative processes, more training time
  • less need of instructors due to automation
  • Thanks to virtualization, simulation of different lights and weather conditions
  • Training regardless of lack of equipment or the probability of damaging the expensive equipment
  • Immersive realistic training through the state-of-the-art virtual simulation input and output hardware
  • Realistic sound effects

Basic specifications of our simulators: 

  • Simulators with different features such as real-world simulated environment, cabin-type, desktop–type, motion platform
  • User-friendly customized hardware with IoT concept integrated into the real or simulated  environments
  • Under the real-life simulation, capability of data collection and simulating the collected data in real-time environment
  • Creating synthetic training environments according to your needs and designing them as parts of the scenarios
  • During the teamwork training, capability of multi-player participation in the scenarios and their active effects on their avatars and simulated equipment
  • Designing realistic and real-life 3D models such as landscapes, Avatars, equipment, vehicles, and updating them when needed.
  • Integrating climatic factors such as wind, pressure, rain etc. into the simulated environment
  • Managing, saving and replaying all training activities via the instructor station
  • Automatic Post-Training Review, thanks to the capability of saving all training records
  • Person-based training data storage, evaluation and progress reporting
  • Avatars’ dynamic and scenario compatible movements through the Artificial Intelligence (AI) infrastructure
  • Via blockchain integration, unchangeable data storage and non-fungable token (NFT) certification

Cloud Computing Technologies (Saas/Paas)CLOUD

In parallel with today’s development of Internet technology and increasing access speed, the services of all the components comprising information systems have been offered separately or together.  “Anything as a service” (XaaS) delivers everything, including software, which businesses need over a server.  With XaaS, it is intended that each business does only what it is expert on so efficiency and productivity increases.  Delivering services over Internet makes possible location independence.  Products and services delivered reach all the markets with internet.

Our company aims to achieve business success in the future global market of this growing technology sector by developing and updating its long-time successful production capabilities and delivering them as services with competitive power.

Internet of Things (IoT)IoT

Along with progress and relative cheapness in technology, the amount of internet-connected devices has increased exponentially. This increase has caused the need for integration, management and data analysis. Because of the organizations’ demand for increasing the productivity and reliability of their systems, IoT Market has been used in many sectors and has been growing as a result. We produce IoT platforms and services by integrating our IoT concept-produced solutions into our products in accordance with your hardware development and system architecture capabilities.